Das einfache Leben - La vita semplice
Diogenes im Fass - Diogene nella botte
Author: Rainer Nickel
Based on the original German edition of 2017
Bilingual edition Italian/German. Geeignet als Italienisch- oder Deutsch-Training. Indicato anche per l'allenamento all'italiano o al tedesco
Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag € 12,00
(Lieferung in Deutschland frei Haus)
- via e-mail: atticus@epistoa-atticus.eu
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Diogenes, the cynic, has this recipe for a happy life and a future worth living: Ruthless discussion, freedom, courage, philanthropy, and, last but not least, frugal usage of the available resources.
His message has never been more relevant than today.
Quali sono le ricette di Diogene per una vita felice e un futuro prospero?
Discussioni aperte e franche, libertà, coraggio, amore per l'umanità e non da ultimo gestione ottimale della natura e risparmio di risorse.
Il suo "messaggio dalla botte" è più importante che mai.
Was sind Diogenes' Rezepte für ein glückliches Leben und eine lebenswerte Zukunft?
Rücksichtslos offene Diskussionen, Freiheit, Mut und Menschenfreundlichkeit und nicht zuletzt sparsamer Umgang mit den vorhandenen Ressourcen.
Seine "message aus dem Fass" ist relevanter denn je.
Rainer Nickel has published numerous books and papers in the fields of classics literature and the didactics of the Ancient Languages, Latin and Greek. He is especially interested in the impact of Antiquity on the present.
Rainer Nickel is lecturer at the Classics Philology Seminar of the University of Marburg. He obtained his PhD from the Free University Berlin and has been teaching Latin and Greek in various grammar schools. For two decades, he served as principal at the Max-Planck-Gymnasium, Göttingen.